Clearing up the Confusion

We have officially received opening guidelines for personal service businesses. These guidelines can be overwhelming and confusing. We reached out to the creators of the guidelines with your questions and here are the answers we received.

Q: Do I have to change my personal covering between each client?

A: Yes

Q: Can I wear an apron as my personal covering?

A: Yes

Q: I’m not a hair stylist, my customer doesn’t usually wear a cape or covering. Does this requirement apply to me?

A: Yes

Q: What kind of coverings can myself or my client wear?

A. The government doesn’t care what you use as a covering, as long as it is clean. Examples of coverings are capes, smocks, aprons, ponchos, Oversize T-shirts.

Q: What type of PPE do I need to wear?

A: All workers must wear a mask and eye protection. Gloves must be worn in all common areas of the salon, or when using shared tools.

Q: What type of eye protection is acceptable?

A: Personal Service Providers can wear EITHER a face shield, googles, or glasses.

Q: I wear prescription glasses do I have to wear extra eye protection?

A: No, you’re prescription glasses are considered eye protection.

Q: Does my guest need to wear any PPE?

A: Yes, your guest needs to wear a mask any time they are within 6 feet of another person, including you the service provider. Your guest is also required to be provided with a clean covering for over their clothing to be worn during the service.

Q: Does my guest need to wear a specific type of mask?

A: Your guest may wear any type of mask.

Q: Are we required to provide a mask for our guest?

A: Your guest should wear their own mask. If however they do not have a mask they need to be provided with one before entering the salon, otherwise the service cannot be preformed.

Q: Does this mean that I can’t perform facials, facial waxing, or beard trims?

A: We are allowed to perform these services without a mask, provided that the mask is put back on immediately after the service is complete.

Q: What constitutes as a clean covering for my guests?

A: Guests must be provided with a clean covering before each service which can be a wide variety of things including: hair cutting cape, smock, t-shirt, garbage bag, smock, poncho.

Q: My guests don’t typically use a covering, are the still required to wear one?

A: Yes

Q: What does client capacity mean?

A: Client capacity is determined by fire code. Fire code varies for different establishments. Contact your city, county, or local fire department to determine your max occupancy.

Q: I work in a salon suite, how do I satisfy the had washing station requirement?

A: Your washing station requirement is solved by the bathroom provided. A client could also wash their hands in the shampoo bowl.

Q: Can I blow dry?

A: Yes

Q: Can I use the hooded dryers?

A: Yes, providing that it is sanitized after customer leaves the dryer area.

Q: Do I need to put a towel over my clients face while at the shampoo bowl since they are wearing a mask?

A: The part of the face that is not covered by the mask needs to be covered by the towel during the shampoo.

Q: Do I need to wear gloves while doing my clients nails?

A: No provided that the service provider and the client have both washed their hands prior to the service.


  • Keri

    Are hairstylists required to where I protection at all times or only when they are at the shampoo bowl?

    • Team COWU

      Hairstylists should wear eye protection at all times. Eye protection can be a face shield, googles, safety glasses, or plain old glasses.

  • Alissa

    Are there any guidelines related to spray tanning? As far as the technician goes, I can follow the necessary protocol. However, my clients are not able to wear coverings or masks. Does this mean spray tanning is no longer allowed under these guidelines??

  • Jody Wilson

    I own a salon that I lease 3 individual private styling stations , fully equipped with there own wash bowls cabinets etc. The private rooms all have there own private doorways ,but do not reach completely to the ceiling as to allow for the HVAC air cleaning system to circulate the salon (they are a foot from the ceiling w/ 10 ft ceilings ) wanted to confirm we were still considered private rooms , and are able to have a stylist and 1 guest in each private room ?

    • Team COWU

      No service providers are not required to take the temperature of their guests. Guests are supposed to self check for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 before they come to the salon.

  • Nichole

    Does the front desk count toward occupancy? If our salon has 12 stations and a front desk, can 6 stylists and a receptionist work or is it 5 stylists and 1 receptionist?

    • Team COWU

      Yes. Recently the governors advisory board re-defined occupancy as being a percentage of fire code capacity.