• Meet D’Arcy

    A Spotlight on our Legislative Lead and Secretary     Contrary to beauty school training I do talk politics behind the chair- I enjoy staying up to date on current events & engaging in conversations with my hair clients. I think  having a balanced + astute dialogue on matters that impact human rights, business, as well as myself personally is key to progressing society. I actually made it a core of my business + brand as a hairstylist to lean into meaty topics while simultaneously making hair happiness!        Regardless, I was as blindsided in 2019 as all of my colleagues in Personal Services when our legislature attempted to completely ban cosmetology booth…

  • 2023 Legislative Session Wrap-Up

    This 2023 legislative session in Olympia- Cosmetologists of WA United has had the privilege and opportunity to work with Brooke Davies legislative lobbyist for the entire 2022-23 year. This is due to and in appreciation of enrolled COWU Member Advocates and their keen support of the Personal Services industry through our statewide trade association. Their voting participation, fundraising & yearly dues affords the industry a daily and strong presence in Olympia. This has proven invaluable towards proactive work on legislation that impacts our careers and businesses. Brooke works closely with COWU Western Washington Legislative Lead, D’Arcy Harrison, and they are able to corral and finagle conversations with bill sponsors in…

  • Taking Care of the Caretaker: The Importance of Self-Care for Personal Service Providers

    As a Personal Service Provider, you spend much of your time taking care of others. You provide your clients with an exceptional service while creating a comfortable and relaxing environment for them. While this work can be incredibly rewarding, it can also be emotionally and physically draining. To avoid burnout and continue providing top-quality service, it is crucial to prioritize your own well-being and practice self-care. In this blog, we will discuss why self-care is essential for our industry and share some tips and strategies to help you incorporate it into your daily routine. What is Self-Care? Self-care and burn out are two popular words we are seeing quite often…