• Calling all Cosmetologists

    It has come to our attention that Our Medical Facilities and First Responders are running out of supplies. Some of the supplies that are needed we likely have sitting around our empty salons, or can still be purchased through our suppliers. We are asking all stylists to rally together and help the people on the front lines. Do you have unopened gloves? Do you have masks, medical grade cleaning supplies? Supplies Needed: Masks GLOVES Eye protection Gowns Hand Sanitizer Cleaning Supplies  **At this time Hospitals are asking for UNOPENED supplies** If you have OPENED supplies that you would like to donate please hold on to them. We are in the…

  • COVID – 19 Q&A

    Q: When can I go back to work? A: At this time we can go back to work April 9th, unless extended. Q: What financial resources are available during this time? A: We are regularly updating this blog post with financial resources as we learn about them: https://cosmetologistsofwashingtonunited.org/?p=551 Q: Can I do house calls? A: No. An email was received from the DOL last night stating that it does not matter where the service takes place or how few people are in the location of the service. No services can take place at this time. Q: What is the penalty? A: RCW 43.06.220 states that any person willfully violating any…


    Financial: Benefits for all: Treasury and IRS to delay tax payment and filing deadline by 90 days: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/17/treasury-and-irs-to-delay-tax-deadline-by-90-days.html Resource list submitted by Alisha Danielle Thompson: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hvVcnoROlBTtnXASFSEfjc7LVSAoZ0gJNOPhdCJLoqQ/htmlview?fbclid=IwAR0mG227NX9ya_Iwvv3oCxsXvrhykRIRBokV51m9mwxbfpQ6iHWx2rqtzlc#gid=836206998 Call on all debts and ask for aid – most credit, utility, and mortgage companies are willing to suspend payment and waive late fee’s. – If you don’t ask you wont know! PBA Covid 19 relief fund: https://pbacharities.wufoo.com/forms/z16sfdhi0st99bn/?fbclid=IwAR3ALiiqaORyv31tSkNm0BlN9MtOvy01wO_RueGxE9_SnnUUYJ4FzqASv80 Benefits.gov Self Employed: Loans: BECU – 0% interest loans on up to $2500 Small Business Association – Disaster Loan Assistance: https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/ State Taxes: Businesses can request a 30 day extension. DOR may waive penalties and work with businesses who can not pay their taxes on time:…

  • WANTED – SPC Member

    Do you feel passionate about helping others in the Beauty Industry Succeed? Do you have ideas that you think would help our organization grow and thrive? Do you have prior experience working in committees and boards? Do you have experience in another area that you believe we could implement to better the lives of those in our community? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you may be just what we need for the Strategic Planning Committee. We are looking for a fresh new face to expand the Leadership Team! Job Description Seeking an individual who is committed to the support, enhancement and advocacy of the beauty…

  • 2020 Valentines Campaign

    Many of you will remember the Valentine’s Day Card Campaign that was recommended last year by Megz White. Killing them with kindness was the idea. We support them, so they should support us. This year, our actions are the same, but our message is more direct. There are 60,000 registered cosmetologists in Washington State. In every Valentine we are including a bobby pin, and a note about what the bobby pin represents. 1 pin = 1 stylist 1 stylist (on the low end) = 450 impressions a year This “low end” number comes from the perspective of a stylist who only works 3 days a week and seeing 3 guest…