COVID – 19 Q&A
Q: When can I go back to work?
A: At this time we can go back to work April 9th, unless extended.
Q: What financial resources are available during this time?
A: We are regularly updating this blog post with financial resources as we learn about them:

Q: Can I do house calls?
A: No. An email was received from the DOL last night stating that it does not matter where the service takes place or how few people are in the location of the service. No services can take place at this time.
Q: What is the penalty?
A: RCW 43.06.220 states that any person willfully violating any provision of an order issued by the governor under this section is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. Max penalties for a gross misdemeanor are 1 year in jail or a $5000 fine.
Q: Why is massage allowed?
A: For some people massage services are medically necessary.
Q: Can I sell retail?
A: Our friend Cecilia was able to get a hold of the Governors office today and they said that yes you may still sell retail – as long as you are able to remain 6 feet away from your guest. Our other friend Jacqui has mentioned that you can order product directly from Salon Centric and have it delivered to your guest.
Q: What do you do if you know of someone who is still working at this time?
A: Attempt to reason with them calmly. Explain to them the science, laws and the penalties. Some people are burying their head in the sand with an “it doesn’t apply to me” logic. It does – and there are consequences.
Q: My boss is trying to make me work, what do I do?
A: Inform them of the penalties. Contact one of the FB admins on this page and we will send you to the appropriate reporting agency. In Washington State, you have every right to stay home due to the ban. Do not break the law because an owner is willing to.
Q: What about my salon rent?
A: Encourage your salon owners to contact their utility companies, landlords or loan officers. Like mortgage companies, other bill collectors are sometimes able to postpone payment if necessary also. If they care about their renters, you will see a trickle down effect. We are brainstorming ways in the booth renters thread of creating win wins for this circumstance.
Q: Is my salon owner going to give me back the two weeks I already paid for?
A: Check your contract – Do you usually pay to hold your chair when you can’t be at work? For example if you are on vacation, have a medical emergency, etc. If the answer is yes, then you will likely be expected to pay for this time. Not all salon owners are able to afford the bills for the salon without rents being paid. If you want a salon to go back too, work with your salon owner to find a good compromise for everyone. We are all in this together.
Q: At home color kits
A: BAD IDEA! We should not encourage our guests to do their own color. This sets a bad precedence for after the ban. “Oh girl, I don’t have time to come in can you just sell me one of those at home color kits?” This is devaluing us as professionals. Not to even mention the legal ramifications if something goes wrong.
Q: Will the shutdown last longer than two weeks?
A: It is a very real possibility that the shutdown could last longer than two weeks, especially since there are people who are not complying with current measures put in place.
Q: If you already had COVID – 19 and recovered, would it be safe to work?
A: Possibly. But for now it would still be against the law.

One Comment
Traci Andreassen
Thank you for the info