Lobbyist Needed

Do you know of a fantastic lobbyist that is sympathetic to our cause, and would do a great job representing our organization?! We have been told that the fight we saw last year regarding independent contractors is no where near over, and that it is imperative that we get a lobbyist for this session. Luckily we raised funds last year, and those funds have been left untouched.

What is needed from potential candidates?

In order to properly review all candidates we are asking for:

  • Resume
  • A quote or breakdown of their pricing structure
  • Example of their preferred contract for services
  • Answers to supplemental questions

Supplemental Questions

  1. How long have you worked as a lobbyist and in what specific areas and/or industries?
  2. What projects or lobbying efforts have you been successful in?
  3. What is your background? Why did you become a lobbyist?
  4. Which legislators do you have established connections with and of those, who do you think are supportive of our industry needs?
  5. Describe some unique grass roots activities we can involve our members in.
  6. Ethics: Are you driven by values & integrity or are you results driven at a cost?

All of these requirements can be found in this download: Request for Proposal

Completed Proposals should be emailed to teamcowu@gmail.com