Updates & Board Elections

Cosmetologists of Washington United has some items to update you on this Fall 2021!

Below are some updates on the organization and upcoming items we need your help with!

  • COWU enacted Association Bylaws on 6/14/2021. You may review them HERE. COWU has amended its Articles of Incorporation and they were accepted by the WA Secretary of State. See them HERE.
  • COWU submitted its application to the US Internal Revenue Service for 501 c6 tax exempt/non-profit status. This process will take a minimum of six months.
  • Enrolled Advocates voted via Facebook poll to hire a legislative lobbyist for state session in Jan 2022. In Process. Enrolled Advocates will be included in selecting the candidate.
  • WE ARE HOLDING BOARD ELECTIONS! We are inviting candidates to apply for the additional board position of VICE PRESIDENT. (See details below)

Candidates interested in being considered must:

  • Submit a brief bio and resume to teamcowu@gmail.com for consideration by the current Board of Directors by Oct 11, 2021. 
  • The role of Vice President is asked to support all Board members, the organization and its advocates, the organization’s mission, provide Duty of Care (see bylaws section Article 4 Officers) as well as sign a Conflict of Interest Policy. This role also will take over the President’s role if it is vacated.
  • This position is volunteer and unpaid. Meeting frequencies vary, but typically are every month to every other month.
  • Optional:  Have experience in & oversee social media, promotions & marketing.
  • An applicant does not need to be an enrolled advocate to be considered, but if voted onto the board enrollment as an advocate will be required at $79/yr or the position will be forfeit.
  • The Board of Directors will select candidates for elective office by Oct 18th and share all candidates via ballot by Oct 25, 2021. 
  • Ballots must be submitted by 11:59 PM November 1st.
  • The current Interim Board of Directors intends to run to stay in line with the IRS application and State of WA documents. *Previously, the Board of Directors were selected from the Strategic Planning Committee as an Interim Board and were not elected by Advocates. In order to avoid all roles exiting simultaneously the BOD has opted to stay on until new members are added for the strength of the organization.*
  • REQUIREMENT FOR VOTING for COWU Board of Directors: Enroll as a MEMBER ADVOCATE at https://cosmetologistsofwashingtonunited.org/?page_id=302