2020 Valentines Campaign

Many of you will remember the Valentine’s Day Card Campaign that was recommended last year by Megz White. Killing them with kindness was the idea. We support them, so they should support us. This year, our actions are the same, but our message is more direct.

There are 60,000 registered cosmetologists in Washington State. In every Valentine we are including a bobby pin, and a note about what the bobby pin represents.

  • 1 pin = 1 stylist
  • 1 stylist (on the low end) = 450 impressions a year
    • This “low end” number comes from the perspective of a stylist who only works 3 days a week and seeing 3 guest each day.
    • Our average guest database likely has 100+ repeat customers, and who knows how many first impression guests a year.
  • 450 impressions multiplied by 60,000 stylists = 27 million guest impressions a year.
    • We do not have proof documenting amount of licensed cosmetologists, but Keiser mentioned last year upwards towards 100k.
    • Even if we all only had 100 repeat guests we would still impact the lives of 6 million people.
    • There are 6 million registered voters in Washington State


If these bills pass, the legislature can rest assured that we will be telling our guests all about who is hurting our business. We make close personal connections with all of our customers. Are they going to vote for someone who is hurting us? Unlikely!

Step 1: Get 90 Valentines

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy. They are EVERYWHERE! I prefer to send full size cards, so I picked up some adorable note cards that were on clearance at Hobby Lobby – some are glittery for the legislators I’m most upset with. Not looking to spend a bunch of moolah? There are valentines at Dollar Tree. Whatever style you choose purchase 90.

Step 2: Get 90 Bobby Pins

We all probably have way too many bobby pins. Don’t have any bobbies? Dollar Tree!

Step 3: Insert Message

Download the PDF that most closely relates to your position in the industry.

It is made to be easily printed and slipped in with your Valentines. Feel free to write this out, come up with your own message or both. What is important is that we convey the understanding that our reach is vast and we will most definitely tell our guests not to vote for them if they vote against us.

Put your bobby pin in the envelope and seal it up!

Step 4: Find Your District

If you already know your district skip this step and mail a valentine to your Senator and Representatives.

If you don’t know your district go to: https://app.leg.wa.gov/districtfinder – insert your address and it will give you the information for your Senator and Representatives.

Click on the names of the legislators representing your district to obtain their addresses, unless they are found in the list below.

Step 5: Address and Mail Valentines

Below is a link that has the addresses of Senators and Republicans who are bill sponsors or on committees. They are designed to be printed on address labels, but they can be printed on regular paper, cut and taped, or just good old fashioned writing.

Address those envelopes, stamp and mail!

Step 6: Continue to be Badass!

We are so Amazing! It is tough work calling, emailing, and sending snail mail to our legislators. Our persistence will pay off! Legislators need to be reminded that they work for US – THE PEOPLE!


    • Team COWU

      Thank you! P.S. If you don’t have the time to get to the store you could just print out the inserts and mail those with a bobby pin. If you are anything like me you have bobby pins and envelopes everywhere!

  • Kaila Trammell

    I was wondering, because postage can become an expensive cost, how everyone is sending out there valentines? I def want to do this but I’m so new to the small community I am apart of and therefore still a growing business but its the slower time of year for me and so finances are a little tight. Will my valentines go out to the necessary parties if I send them all together in a large envelope and have the names of the rest of the representatives in my district on the individual cards? Trying to participate but do it in a less expensive way to do so.

    Kaila’s Trends & Trims

    • Team COWU

      OMG what a great idea! I am not sure but I’ll make some inquiries and let you know. Great thinking! Where are you located btw?!